DO you ever wish you could hear God's voice more clearly?
WOULD you like to process your doubts or questions with someone?
ARE you feeling a pull toward a deeper experience or connection with God?
DO you find that what used to support your spiritual life isn't working so well anymore?
WOULD you welcome the presence of someone you trust as you prepare to make a big decision?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, spiritual direction might be for you. Read on and reach out if you'd like to explore spiritual direction and try it on for size with a complimentary session.
Spiritual direction can be broadly described as soul care or a type of spiritual companionship. It is a slow, sacred conversation with the Lord in the company of another whose role is to be prayerfully present to what is being shared. The pace in spiritual direction is purposefully slow and unhurried, with pauses for reflection, clarifying questions, meditation or prayer. The relationship between director and directee is one of deep trust, respect and confidence.
If you have heard of spiritual direction or even experienced it, you might agree that settling on a succinct definition of this ancient practice can be a bit elusive. One reason it’s so hard to nail down is that the term direction is a bit of a misnomer, as are director and directee. Spiritual directors do not direct, nor do they counsel, coach or advise. Instead, they accompany others on their spiritual journeys as “holy listeners,” attending both to what the directee is sharing and the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit, who is the true Director.
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What does a spiritual direction session look like?
We gather and settle in, perhaps with a cup of hot tea
A lighted candle reminds us of the Lord’s presence​
We begin with a moment of silence, prayer or blessing
You may begin with a question or concern that is rising up in your spirit
Or I could offer a question like “Where have you seen God at work in your life lately?” or “What heart-level longings are you noticing today?”
We will embrace a gentle pace, which might seem awkward or even frustrating at first
Together we will listen for what God is revealing without rushing toward answers or conclusions
As you share aspects of your journey, I might reframe what you’ve said or ask questions that invite you to deeper reflection
We will embrace pauses for listening and discernment
I might offer a spiritual practice that seems relevant
After the session, you might sense an invitation to process new awarenesses through journaling or talking with a trusted friend (though I commit to hold all that you share in strictest confidence).
Diann Churchill is a spiritual director, having completed a two-year certificate program through the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. She meets monthly with her own spiritual director and with a guided peer supervision group and considers both commitments integral to her spiritual formation and journey with the Lord. She is also a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA) and Spiritual Directors International (SDI). Diann is available to meet at Sabbath House for individual spiritual direction or as a part of your personal or group retreat. For more information or to schedule a complimentary first session, contact Diann at diann@sabbathhouse.org.