Spiritual direction is an ancient practice, a type of spiritual companionship. In the beautiful words of Rev. Bill Haley, Director of Coracle,
"It is the process whereby one person offers a listening, prayerful presence to another while they journey together with God. The spiritual director is one who, most simply, walks alongside another person helping them listen
to what God is saying in their lives and recognize God’s action."
Spiritual directors do not actually direct, nor do they counsel, coach or advise. Rather, they accompany others on their spiritual journeys as “holy listeners,” attending both to what the 'directee' is sharing and the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit, who is the true Director. The pace in spiritual direction is intentionally slow and unhurried, with pauses for reflection, questions, silence and prayer. The relationship between director and directee is one of mutual trust, respect and confidence.
Exploring Spiritual Direction
While spiritual direction can be valuable at any point in your spiritual journey, you might be prompted to consider it during a times of uncertainty or change in your life or to process your questions about God and faith. Feeling spiritually dry or desiring a deeper connection with God could also lead you to seek spiritual direction. Whatever the motivation, we recommend that you spend time in prayer, asking God to help you discern whether to pursue spiritual direction and to lead you to the director who He desires for you.
Spiritual direction sessions generally last for an hour and can take place in person or online. Many individuals choose to meet monthly, though you and your director will settle on details together. If you would like try out spiritual direction with a complimentary session or have any questions, our spiritual directors would be happy to speak with you. Click below to learn a little about them and how to get in touch with them. ​