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Pastor's Pause

Pastors Pause offers rest, soul care and community for pastors and ministry leaders. We are honored to serve those who continually pour out to others. We begin with breakfast followed by a morning retreat that includes guided prompts and some time and space for prayer and reflection in and around the beauty of Sabbath House. Guests are welcome stay for an optional afternoon personal retreat. Come and experience spiritual refreshment!​​

Date: Monday, March 24

Time: 9 am to noon, optional 

         afternoon personal retreat

Sponsored by: Sabbath House


Holy Week Experience

We are honored to offer our third interactive, contemplative experience to prepare to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for his people. Come join us this Maundy Thursday and Good Friday for an extended time of reflection and prayer. Stations with thoughtful prompts throughout the house and property invite you into deeper communion with our Suffering Savior. And remember - Sunday's coming!!

Dates & Times:

          Thursday, April 17, 4 to 7 pm

          Friday, April 18, 10 am to 3 pm

Sponsored by: Sabbath House



Grand Examen Retreat

January 11, 2025​


The spiritual practice of grand examen provides an opportunity to look back on the past year in God's presence and seek His wisdom for the year ahead. The Grand Examen retreat featured guided sessions along with reflection time in the quiet beauty of Sabbath House. 

Advent Experience

December 6 & 7, 2024


Sabbath House, in Partnership with Coracle Baltimore, hosted a meaningful, contemplative, self-paced Advent Experience. Guests came and explored the beautiful story of our Savior's birth in the quiet serenity of Sabbath House. Contemplative prompts, art, and other creative elements stirred the senses and nourished the spirit in the presence of our Emmanuel, God with us.​​

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Harvesting Gratitude Retreat

November 1 & 2, 2024


What better time to gather gratitude than the harvest season, that little slice of time before the holidays press in on our schedules - and sometimes our serenity? We gathered for an overnight retreat during which we explored ways to give thanks for God's good gifts in the context of what was, what is and what will be. Our teaching team, Kelly Willie, Mari-Jan Sieradzki, and Kim Bonvissuto followed a rhythm of worship, teaching, reflection, and sharing in community. 

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